V obshem, i Kenna, i Darren reshili menya v sleduyushem godu poradovat' svoimi novymi al'bomami.
Release sostoitsya ne ran'she vtoroy poloviny ili daje konza 2010 goda.
"There are about 7 songs that already sit on my ipod in a playlist that I call 'new album'" - pishet Darren v svoém bloge na MySpace, kotoriy nazyvaetsya "Making the album".
V etom bloge on rasskazyvaet poetapno, kak pishetsya al'bom, 4to uje sdelano.
Pri4ém, on pishet, 4to rabotaet s bol'shim 4islom avtorov, vpolne izvestnyx.
Kak ya ponyal, al'bom doljen dostato4no otli4atsya ot poslednego, 4to on vypustil:
"So in some ways it follows that this record might be considered a 'return to form' (I hate that phrase) or a more accessible record. But I like to think of it as me reclaiming something that is mine. Sneaking my quirks and theatrics into the mainstream via the undeniable medium of melody. If that is what makes a good pop record (and when I say a good pop record I mean something like Madonna's 'Like a Prayer' album or The Killers 'Hot Fuss' - just wall to wall great songs) then that is what I'm trying to make. A classic album. Not the sound of those albums, but the strength if you know what I mean."
Takje na YouTube on vylojil perviy VideoBlog "Making the album".
I na dnyax poyavilas' vtorya 4ast' "Making the album Part 2". POydu 4itat'.